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3-Day Schedule
5:30 PM- Doors Open
6:25 PM- Announcements
6:30 PM- Round 1 G/90;+30
2-Day Schedule
8:30 AM- Doors Open
9:25 AM- Announcements
9:30 AM- Round 1 G/60;d5
1:00 PM- Round 2 G/90;+30
6:00 PM- Round 3 G/90;+30
Unified Schedule
8:30 AM- Doors Open
9:25 AM- Announcements
9:30 AM- Round 4 G/90;+30
2:00 PM- Round 5 G/90;+30
Bring your chess boards and clocks to tournaments. The club offers equipment for club members only.
Ear plugs are available and limited, please do not discard prior to end of tournament. Additional sets may be purchased from the TD.
All players must turn off their cell phones and place them on their table while games are active.
All electronic game recording devices will be allowed, but must be kept on tables.
Keep communication with other participants at a quiet respectful level.
If there are any issues during the game please raise your hand and the Tournament Director will come over to resolve.
Food and drink are allowed at the table, but you must clean up after yourself after every round.
Use of the refrigerator in the Playing Hall available for club members.
There is plenty of space for coolers in the lounge.
The microwave is located in the Skittles Room.
Please clean up after yourselves to ensure our space is usable for everyone.
We are currently at 45% capacity.
Only players are allowed in the playing hall during live rounds.
Parents and coaches may stay in the Skittle Room and may enter the playing hall between rounds. There is seating for about 28 people in the lounge. You are welcome to bring chairs. There will be tables and chairs set up for skittles. Please enter at the side entrance through the Skittles Room. Players are asked to enter and exit the playing hall through the Skittles Room.
Only players competing in the round are allowed in the playing hall while games are active.
We typically stream on TwitchTV. Non-participants can view live-feed streaming on the Quad display in the Skittles Room. The feed will be delayed for the public during this tournament.
We have installed an advanced chess engine to go over games located on the shelf in the back of the Skittles Room.
Please be respectful of the club facilities.
Only use furniture as intended.
Food and drink are allowed.
Please clean up after yourself and others and keep the facilities in pristine order, just as you found it, or better.
Please knock before entering the bathrooms. Keep the bathroom tidy for the next guest.
Smoking is allowed outside of the building, please mind your butts.
Please do not leave the door open so as to conserve energy and AC.
You will find Notation Sheets, Pencils, Earplugs, and Hand Sanitizer on the last table in the playing hall.
A scoring sheet can be found at the TD desk, as well as a touch screen to input your own scores.
Please mark your score after completion, and mark a WD next to your name if you would like to withdraw.
Round pairings will be projected on the wall and are available on the Poison Pawns website at the top of this page.
Follow the Tournament on TwitchTV <===Tap That Link!
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